Holiday Party Season Is Around the Corner Schedule your professional carpet cleaning before Thanksgiving! Frank Karkazis leads FGK Services into November as Daylight savings clock changes and kicks off the hectic holiday season with Thanksgiving. This month is perfect for scheduling your professional carpet cleaning in time for holiday parties. High traffic locations, such as entrances and…
We go to the doctor to eliminate and prevent germs, not to be greeted by more of them! Every healthcare facility must have a clean environment free of germs, debris and trash. Whether going to the doctor, acute center or hospital, the Environmental Services Department believes a clean environment is critical for patient care. All patient areas such…
Outside we hear the wind whistling, watch the beautiful leaves falling and we hear that “crunch” sound everywhere we go. Fall building maintenance is a game changer. Aside from regular office cleaning, it’s recommended to bring in a professional janitorial service to disinfect and sanitize your facility. Green products and LEED cleaning systems are continuously being…
Shopping Malls and retail centers are a great way to escape the heat on humid summer days. Now that children and teenagers are back in school, it is the perfect opportunity to polish those sticky candied floors, sanitize germ-filled restrooms and eliminate hidden “hot spots” on escalator handrails. A professional janitorial cleaning company will target…
Want a head start this school year? Schools and daycares are home to some of the germiest cafeterias, sticky classroom tables and unsightly restrooms. These educational facilities are prime for spreading contagious illness among staff and children thus affecting the learning experience. Learn how a clean school can impact students and what you can do…
Want more time to enjoy outdoor activities this summer? At FGK Services, we understand the importance of efficiency as we balance providing high quality cleaning services to multiple clients every day. Below are helpful ideas for getting through your chores checklist while still having time leftover for some fun. “Speed cleaning is being organized and efficient…
Wouldn’t it be nice if soap, toilet paper, and towel dispensers had the technology to automatically let you know when they’re running low on product? Or imagine knowing exactly how efficient the workers from your chosen commercial cleaning service are cleaning, as well as being assured they’re covering every surface? We see technology innovations launching faster…
Let Us Help Your Company Thrive With Our Commercial Cleaning Services! Did you know that it is seven times cheaper to keep an existing customer than to acquire a new one? We believe it to be true! So while your company is busy keeping appointments, empowering employees, increasing productivity, building relationships, meeting deadlines and yes,…
Keep It Green & Clean in 2016! Did you know that green cleaning eliminates sick building syndrome and adds to employee productivity? FGK Services recommends Green Cleaning solutions for our clients as requested. Our cleaning staff only uses eco-friendly brands and products committed to protecting your employees, customers and loved ones. We value providing a…
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